ABOUT this project
Wonderdal is a digital interactive and analogue education and entertainment centre for children between the age of 5 and 13 years, situated on the wine farm Hazendal, in Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa. The architecture reinforces a spatial narrative aligned with specific learning experiences. Each zone, with reference to the current school curriculum learning content, has its own unique spatial and tactile experiences that is conducive to said learning content. Play structures promote physical skills development with the focus on coordination, balance, non-locomotor and perceptual motor development. Discovery and learning through play are promoted and facilitated by an avatar/ companion that aids in navigating all the digital learning zones. It is this ‘other’ world that shaped the experiential and architectural landscape of ‘wonderdal’. To contextualize learning content after play, both educators and parents can retrospectively engage with the content via learning packs that are more focussed on specific subjects and age groups. This project aimed at challenging known spatial signifiers to promote learning through new experiences.
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